Office de Tourisme de Rennes

Tourism in total safety

Destination Rennes is committed to informing you of the COVID-19 guarantees and preventative health recommendations

Destination Rennes is adapting its services to the current health climate. A detailed health protocol has been defined in relation to Rennes Métropole’s tourism and cultural partners. We invite visitors to read this carefully before their reservation and to respect the protocol for the good of all.

As part of our ticket-selling service, we offer the option for our clients to make a reservation for a number of services (guided tours, activities, museums, shows, etc.). Our required standard for hygiene and safety has led us to review all of the formats of our activities, our welcome protocol and how tours take place.

Although some points call our visitors to take action (masks in particular), each service on offer on our website has been the subject of a study on hygiene and safety standards carried out in advance by the service provider. All activities that are available and upcoming have been chosen in order to meet our specifications and ensure the highest level of safety possible for you, so that you can enjoy yourself with peace of mind. We encourage you to read our COVID-19 preventative health recommendations below.

General recommendations

  • Greet others without physical contact: do not shake hands, hug or kiss to greet each other.
  • Social distancing: 1 metre minimum, or 4 m² around each person without touching.
  • Wearing a mask will be mandatory for those aged 11 years old and above if respecting social distancing cannot be guaranteed. Signage about this measure at the location of the event is strongly recommended. Masks are the client’s responsibility.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitiser. For this purpose, each organiser shall provide clients with the necessary products and bins for collecting waste.
  • Do not dry your hands with paper towels/a roller towel dispenser.
  • Avoid touching your face, particularly the nose and mouth.
  • Use a disposable tissue to blow your nose, cough, sneeze or spit, then throw it away immediately. 
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a disposable tissue.  

Recommendations specific to guided tours

Wearing a mask is mandatory for all tour participants older than 11. The mask is not provided by the guide; each client must therefore bring their own masks. The guide reserves the right to refuse access to anyone who will not wear a mask, or refuses to comply with the barrier procedures. 

The capacity for tours is currently limited to a maximum of 10 people, including the guide, awaiting government measures. “Family” tours will take place with one adult and a limit of two children per family.

The safety instructions must be respected: 1 m distance between each person, mandatory wearing of masks and only the guide will touch and open doors.

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